Personal, Reliable and Efficient. Lawyers Yarraville, Footscray, Sunshine and surrounding Melbourne suburbs.

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Close-knit Law Firm

We cater to clients throughout the western and northern suburbs of Victoria.

We understand how difficult and stressful it can be to have to deal with legal problems and what it is like to have to pay for an expensive lawyer to resolve them.

We are here to help you work out your legal issues in a way that meets your need.

If you wish to know more or understand where to start with your legal enquiry, we offer a complimentary initial consult of up to 20 minutes with one of our lawyers.

Eve Legal

(CEO, of the company)

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Auit zaser aut odit aut fugit sen quia consequuntur magni eos rui ratione voluptatem serui consequuntur magni dolor eos qui ratione voluptatem.


Muit zaser aut odit aut fugit sen quia consequuntur magni eos rui ratione voluptatem serui magni dolor eos qui ratione voluptatem.


Trusted by Our Customers

“Repellendus temaoribus autem ruiusa aut officiis aut rerum necessitai sa eveniet reuia near molestiae non recusandae earum rerum labore dolore uaeratomnis volutas assumen omnis dolor repellendus dolorem ipsum ru dolor sit consectetur adipisci velit sea non...”

Alina Parker

CEO, of the company

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Why Choose Us

Fixed Price Services

We offer fixed price services with no hidden charges or surprises for your peace of mind.

Skilled Experienced Lawyer

Our skilled staff have the knowledge and experience to guide you from the beginning to end of your matter with minimum stress. Our multilingual team speaks English, Chinese, Cantonese and/or Malay.

Personalised Services

Our personalised services allow you to contact our team directly by phone or email as many times as you wish.

Book a Consultation

Auit zaser aut odit aut fugit sen quia consequuntur magni eos rui ratione voluptatem serui.

    Our Team

    Our personalised services allow you to contact our team directly by phone or email as many times as you wish.

    Evelyn NG

    Principal and Director

    Everard NG

    Paralegal and Overseas Lawyer

    Evan ENG

    IT Officer and Admin Assistant

    Speak with our expert and devoted lawyers today.